Hormone Testing
A special offer for Hormones at All Stages participants
Hormone testing with 30 minute consult with Dr. Kirsten Kessler, ND, CNS, LDN
Saliva testing kit to assess 7 biomarkers of hormone levels (shipped to you and completed at home)
Tests include: Estrogens (estrone, estradiol, and estriol), Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA-s, and AM Cortisol
30 minute consult to discuss your results (in-person or online)
Recommendations for additional testing or health & lifestyle management
Special discount on future services with Vital Signs Natural Health, Inc.
What’s Included?
Experiencing symptoms related to a hormone imbalance? To restore the vital balance of hormones, we first need a detailed, accurate measurement of hormone levels. Because of the complexity of interactions in the body, a hormonal imbalance rarely stems from only one type of hormone. More often, the problem involves a series of hormones that are out of balance.
This test measures the parent estrogens (estradiol, estriol and estrone) with progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, and AM cortisol.
Testing kit & instructions are mailed directly to the address entered at checkout
The kit includes pre-paid shipping to return your sample
Once available you will be emailed your results along with a link to schedule your 30 minute consult
Hi I’m Kirsten!
I’m a naturopathic doctor and nutritionist helping you overcome hormone challenges to regain energy, improve your sleep, and simply feel better so you can be free to enjoy your life!
I help women improve their hormone health with natural approaches. The reason we get results is because we work WITH your lifestyle and meet you wherever you are on your journey. These approaches can even be applied to those on HRT (hormone replacement therapy).