Curious about how a naturopathic approach to wellness will help you reach your health goals?

    Unsure if your condition or symptoms will benefit?

    You are invited to book a 15 minute complimentary Discovery Call. There’s no obligation and no pressure, just an opportunity to discuss your health challenges, goals and determine how a naturopathic approach will benefit you.

    Discovery Calls are offered online or over the phone.



    • Intake appointment (90 mins)

    • Review of previous labs

    • Personalized Protocol

    • Recommended labs & tests

    • 2 Week Follow-Up appointment

    The initial intake is a deep dive into your health history and wellness goals. We will discuss many aspects of your life including stress, sleep, nutrition, supplements, medications, activity, hydration, and more.

    You can expect your personalized protocol with wellness recommendations within 2-3 days of your intake appointment as well as recommendations for any further laboratory testing.

    A complimentary follow-up appointment is included two weeks after your initial consultation. This session is designed to address any questions regarding your protocol or supplement recommendations, ensuring you are set up for optimal success.

    In-person & virtual appointments



    After your Initial Consultation, follow-up appointments are important to assess progress, review lab results, and adjust your protocol as necessary to continue working toward to your wellness goals.

    These appointments offer continued support to stay on course or address new challenges while implementing lasting changes to feel your best.

    A recommendation for the frequency of appointments will be made in your personalized protocol and varies based on the individual.

    Follow-Ups & Lab Reviews:

    Basic (up to 30 mins) $115

    Advanced (up to 45 mins) $155

    New Complaint (up to 60 mins) $205

    In-person & virtual appointments

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