Do I Really Need Lab Work?🩸🧪
A few weeks ago, I shared why it's important to maintain regular visits with your primary care doctor, even when embracing a naturopathic approach. I had planned to discuss lab work—another area where I often hear concern or resistance—but felt it deserved its own dedicated focus.
In this follow-up, let’s dive into why regular lab work is key to your wellness journey.
Lab Work is a Guide to Your Wellness
When it comes to taking care of your health, lab work can sometimes feel a little intimidating.
You might wonder, “What if my results are bad?” or “What does this say about how well I’m doing?”
But here’s the good news 📰🎉: lab tests aren’t something you can pass or fail.
They’re simply a tool—a way for us to gather important information to guide your wellness journey.
Labs Are Just Information
When the check engine light comes on, it’s not a sign that the car has failed—it’s just a signal that something needs a little attention.
Lab results work the same way.
They give us insight into what’s happening beneath the surface so we can assess how well your body is functioning and what areas might need support.
Labs are simply tools to help us find the root cause of any imbalance and adjust your protocol accordingly.
Holistic Wellness and the Fear of Failure
In a holistic approach to wellness, it’s natural to feel a stronger sense of personal responsibility when things don’t go as expected. When we make changes to our nutrition, lifestyle, and daily habits, we invest so much of ourselves into the process.
So, if lab results aren’t where we’d hoped, it can feel like a personal failure—like we didn’t do enough.
This is different from taking a medication, where if results don’t improve, it’s often easy to point to the medication and say, “That didn’t work for me.”
But with holistic care, the changes are more personal, which can make it feel like the lack of progress is somehow our fault. But that’s not the case!
Lab results simply guide us, helping to highlight areas that still need support, and they’re never a measure of your effort or worth.
Perfection Isn’t the Goal
One thing I want to stress is that perfection is never the goal in any wellness protocol.
No one is perfect, and that’s completely okay!
Following your protocol doesn’t mean that everything will align perfectly in your labs every time. What’s more important is that we’re making progress in supporting your body’s natural ability to heal and thrive.
Lab results can fluctuate based on many factors—diet, stress, sleep, and even the time of year. So if something looks a little off, don’t worry!
Our goal is to use this information to get a clearer understanding of how to best support your body, not to hold you to some impossible standard.
Adjusting Your Wellness Plan
Lab work is like having a roadmap for your wellness journey. It helps us know which direction to go and when we might need to change course.
By regularly checking in with labs, we can make informed adjustments to your nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle choices that support your body in the most effective way possible.
Just like you wouldn’t keep driving your car without ever checking the oil, we don’t want to go too long without checking in on your body’s inner workings.
Regular labs help ensure that we’re moving in the right direction and addressing the areas that need a little extra love.
The real power of lab work is that it puts you in the driver’s seat of your health. It gives us clear markers to track progress and make changes where needed.
It’s not about being perfect; it’s about understanding what your body needs to function at its best.
If you have any questions or concerns about getting lab work done, I’m always here to help!