You’re invited…

To Embark on a Journey of Transformation

You're here because you've felt the silent whispers of your body, signalling a need for change. You're not alone in your quest for vitality.

Discover the key to…


Let’s explore a holistic approach to your wellness

Personalized Health Assessment

Benefit: A deep dive into your unique health blueprint, setting the stage for a tailored plan that addresses your specific nutritional and hormonal imbalances.

Comprehensive Wellness Recommendations

Benefit: Leveraging the power of nature with science-backed therapies, including herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle adjustments, to restore your body's natural rhythm and harmony.

Nutritional Guidance and Support

Benefit: Transform your plate into a palette of health, with dietary plans designed to support blood sugar balance, hormone health, digestive wellness, and foster overall well-being.

Mind-Body Wellness Practices

Benefit: Integrating stress-reduction techniques and mindfulness practices to enhance emotional balance and physical health, ensuring a holistic path to recovery.

Are you ready for…

a transformational blueprint to feel your best in midlife?

Click image to learn more during an Alignment Discovery Session.

Embrace The New You:
Love Yourself, Inside and Out

After years of struggling through low moods, brain fog, and fatigue, you're ready to get SERIOUS about feeling + looking better.

The solution is right in front of you.

You have to choose it.

Ready for your transformation?

Schedule your no-obligation Alignment Discovery Session here.

The Transformation You Deserve

Why choose The BRB Solution?

Imagine 6 months from now waking up feeling refreshed, with energy that lasts throughout the day. Envision a life where mood swings don't dictate your days, and your body feels like the powerful, capable vessel it is meant to be.

You're not just receiving a service; you're gaining a partnership. I understand the intricate dance of hormones, digestion, energy, and health. Through this comprehensive approach, you'll experience relief from symptoms and a profound transformation that touches every aspect of your life.

What does journey of look like?

Learn more about

Dr. Kirsten Kessler

I’m Dr. Kirsten Kessler

Naturopathic Doctor & Nutritionist

With a blend of modern science and time-honored natural therapies, Dr. Kirsten is committed to providing personalized care that addresses the root causes of health issues, not just the symptoms. Her holistic approach encompasses a comprehensive range of nutritional guidance, herbal solutions, lifestyle modifications, and more. With her personalized, data-driven protocols and functional approach to lab testing she tailors solutions to your unique needs.

Beyond her specialization in digestive issues and women’s health, Dr. Kirsten is a fervent believer in a whole person approach to healing; addressing the body, mind and spirit. She invests time in educating her patients, encouraging self-awareness, and fostering a proactive attitude towards wellness. With her compassionate approach, you can gain confidence, improve daily life, and take control of your health journey.


  • The BRB Solution is a comprehensive six-month program designed to help you achieve optimal health and well-being. This program is divided into three focused phases: Balance, Restore, and Boost.

    1. In-Depth Intake Appointment:

    Your journey begins with a thorough 2-hour intake appointment, where we delve into your health history and current challenges to develop protocols specifically tailored for you.

    2. Personalized Phases:

    Balance: We start by stabilizing your blood sugar and creating a solid foundation for balanced hormones.

    Restore: Next, we focus on repairing and rejuvenating your digestive health and enhancing your detoxification pathways.

    Boost: Finally, we enhance your overall vitality and well-being, by boosting your energy and cognition, empowering you to maintain these improvements long-term.

    3. Ongoing Support and Monitoring:

    You’ll have lab tests at the beginning, middle, and end of the program to track your progress accurately (completed at a LabCorp facility near you). Additionally, you’ll meet with Dr. Kirsten every other week for Strategy Sessions to ensure you’re on track and to adjust your plan as needed.

    4. Milestones and Flexibility:

    Each phase includes specific milestones to guide your progress. Since everyone’s journey is unique, we allow flexibility within the process, ensuring you can spend more or less time in any phase to achieve your desired goals.

    Through The BRB Solution, we provide a structured yet adaptable path to help you achieve balance, restore your health, and boost your vitality.

  • The BRB Solution is designed for women in midlife who are ready to restore their vitality, enhance their overall wellness, and rejuvenate their mind, body, and soul. If you want to improve your energy, reduce hormonal symptoms and/or resolve digestive issues, this transformative process can help you achieve lasting well-being.

    While the process is tailored to meet the unique needs of women in perimenopause and menopause, the foundational principles can benefit anyone seeking to improve key aspects of their health, such as:

    • Enhancing insulin sensitivity, balancing blood sugar (no more afternoon slumps!)

    • Restoring digestive wellness (no more bloating or discomfort after meals!)

    • Promoting sustainable lifestyle and nutrition changes (this is not a quick-fix!)

    If you are frustrated by a lack of effective solutions and overwhelmed by conflicting health information, The BRB Solution offers a clear, personalized path to achieving your health goals.

  • Take advantage of our special Summer 2024 pricing!

    There are two payment options to make The BRB Solution accessible for you:

    One-Time Payment: $1888*

    Payment Plan: $675 initial payment, followed by 5 monthly payments of $285*

    This investment covers all visits with Dr. Kirsten, comprehensive lab tests, and personalized protocols. By choosing The BRB Solution, you're committing to a holistic, tailored approach to achieving lasting vitality and well-being.

    Select the payment option that best suits your needs and embark on your transformative health journey today.

    *Prices increase Fall 2024

  • Begin your transformation by scheduling an Alignment Discovery Session by clicking here.

    This is a 30-minute, no-obligation session directly with Dr. Kirsten. During the session you'll get personalized insights into how The BRB Solution can help you achieve your health goals and restore your vitality.

    Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you today!

Have more questions?

Let’s chat!

Schedule a Discovery Session here.